
And Now a Word Hoping for Sponsors…

While I hate to shift the topic from fun things like gaming and podcasting to something a little more grounded in reality, I’m afraid it’s time to do so. After reviewing the financials for the podcast, including expenditures past, present, and future, we’ve come to the conclusion that we just can’t do it without a little help. Just like I look to a henchman for a hand in a tough boss fight, we could use a few knights in shining armor to help us through – and we’re hoping that could be you.

Without exaggeration, I can tell you that in equipment, hosting (both blog and audio), and bandwidth we’ve spent nearly $2,000 over the four years we’ve been recording our three shows. Christina and I continue to have a wonderful time bringing news from inside and beyond the Spiral to you, as well as contests, interviews, streamed content, and the Spiral Radio101 community; it’s a really special part of our lives, but, to be blunt, it ain’t cheap.

This is where we could use a hand.

You’ll notice on the sidebar at a PayPal Donate button. A click on that button and you’re able to support our show and help us continue to bring this podcast to you every other week. Even the smallest donation helps to keep our ship in the Skyway; it helps us keep our show on the air.

Our goal is $300. If everyone who downloaded or joined us for the live show donated 50 cents, we’d be there easy. No kidding – that’s all it would take. We’d be infinitely grateful and the show would go on loud and strong as it always has.

Thanks very much for reading this, and if you’re able to help us out even a little, thank you. Even if you aren’t, we appreciate you visiting the blog and listening to the show. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at If you’re interested in working out a sponsorship arrangement for your commercial venture, we would be very happy to discuss it.

2 thoughts on “And Now a Word Hoping for Sponsors…

  1. Would there be a possibility of getting a progress bar/visibility on how much has been donated so far? Especially if this is likely to be recurring, it would be good to know how things are looking at a given point so we can help get the word out when needed.

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