Listen Live!

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SpiralRadio 101 is a podcast dedicated to games by KingsIsle Entertainment and beyond. Your hosts Stephen and Christina focus on news, tips, stories, info, contests and have lots of fun chatter about this great game!
Chatroom Rules:

1. NO spamming

2. NO posting links.

3. Please keep all chat PG-rated.

4. Questions will be taken during the show; please do not repeat the questions unless asked.

5. We will select questions to be answered, but may not be able to answer all of them.

6. Please do NOT ask the same question over and over, nor should you ask whether the Chat Mods received them or not.

7. NO impersonating other people with your username.

8. NO sharing personal information of any type including account or usernames for any website. (This includes Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.)

9. NO sharing of or requesting KI True Friend Codes.

10. NO writing “First” when we clear the chat.

Breaking any of these rules may result in either a temporary or permanent ban. Running other programs in the background while watching the live show may cause lag.

(Note: If you’re under 13, please get the permission of your parent or guardian BEFORE posting a reply. Thanks!)

One thought on “Listen Live!

  1. Storm Titan is making everyone pull their hair or wanna throw their lap tops against the wall. Unless you’re a death wizard and don’t get bored spamming bad juju over and over. lol.

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