Released! Spiral Radio101 LIVE Episode 22!

In this episode, an exceptionally sleepy Christina and much put-upon Stephen discuss the Halloween activities in Wizard101 and Pirate101, as well as the B.O.X.E.S event in Wizard101. Christina is excited for the release of Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth and Stephen talks about the most recent updates to WoW and gives a bit of intel on Trion’s Archeage. They announced the winners of the most recent contest (what is the scariest pet in The Spiral?), read listener emails, and answer questions from the chat room. Both Stephen and Christina are readying to game it up in the Extra Life for Kids event. Thanks for listening!

You can hear the episode right now by clicking right here. It’s also available via iTunes and Stitcher within few hours of posting here, but we have no control over how long that takes.

4 thoughts on “Released! Spiral Radio101 LIVE Episode 22!

    • The song is ‘Baba Yetu’ composed by Christopher Tin. It was originally written as the theme to the game Civilization IV, and actually won a Grammy award, making it the first video game theme to do so. The lyrics, believe it or not, are a direct translation of the Lord’s Prayer in Swahili. Glad you liked it!

  1. Great, as per usual. 😀 Missed Ditto though. You more than made up for it with the fabulous music at the end. Just LOVED it. Thank you for all of the wonders of Spiral Radio.

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