

We all love to be scared around Halloween. Creepy costumes or the tons of horror movies that pop out in October or just someone jumping out of the bushes dressed as a terrifying axe murderer and screaming at Trick-or-Treaters…not like I’ve done that, but the scary stuff around Halloween is fun…and potentially good for your Crowns wallet.

What I’ve been wondering about, however, is the stuff around the Spiral that maybe isn’t meant to be scary, but winds up creeping us out anyway. Particularly pets. Take for example the Wild Jackalope in Pirate101. He’s got this disturbing look on his face and he’s always making this, “Mhaaaaaaggh!” noise – I don’t like it! That’s why I crammed him into the basement of my pirate’s secret hideout forever.

So do you have a non-Halloween pet that creeps you out? Could be from either Wizard101 or Pirate101 – we just want to know what everyday KI pet spooks you and why. Send it in an e-mail to spiralradio101@gmail.com with the subject SPOOKY CONTEST before Wednesday, October 22nd at 12:01am Central Time. Prizes? We got prizes. Here’s how it breaks down:

Starting October 15th and going through October 22nd we’ll be picking a random winner every day! Those will be announced on the SpiralRadio101 Twitter feed and winners will receive their codes via e-mail. Those eight lucky folks will each receive a code for 7 Chocolate Pet Snacks. Then on the 22nd we’ll take four entries we really like and shoot each entrant a code for 7 Chocolate Pet Snacks…and 5,000 Crowns. Finally, Chris and I will pick our two very favorites, and those two folks will each win a code for a random Halloween-themed pet, 7 chocolate pet snacks, and 10,000 Crowns. Goooood luck!

Please remember that comments on this post DO NOT COUNT AS ENTRIES! Please include your Wizard101 name!


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